Demon’s Mirror Dev Updates

Hi Everyone! I'd like to give you some Demon's Mirror dev updates. As some of you have pointed out it's been quiet around here. You're totally right! I've been so heads down adding content and crushing bugs that I totally forgot to keep you updated. Let's change that :) What's Been Happening: I've been busy preparing the game so it can be submitted to a [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:30-08:00March 1, 2022|0 Comments

Announcing Demon’s Mirror

Hey everyone, I'd like to introduce my new game, Demon's Mirror!  The game is a roguelike deckbuilder with strategic puzzle elements thrown in.  Anyone who's a fan of Slay the Spire or Monster Train should dig it.  If you played and liked my other game, WarGames: WOPR, you'll be pleasantly surprised as parts of it have been brought back to life in Demon's Mirror. The [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:32-08:00June 4, 2021|0 Comments

An Entertaining Video Devlog

I recently stumbled upon an entertaining video devlog on Youtube. It's one of the best devlog entries I've come across. It's so well crafted it makes me cry. If you've ever worked on a game I'm sure you've run into many of the thought processes and problems he highlights. The creator goes by Mythic Legion, but there's a lack of other content so it's [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:32-08:00December 21, 2020|0 Comments

SETI Game Jam

Last weekend I took part in a game jam at the SETI Institute. Several local developers showed up to make some interesting games, and quite a few teams participated remotely. Overall, the SETI game jam was a great experience. For games in this jam the only 2 rules were that they had to use part of the Drake Equation and something from the SETI Data Page. From the [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:34-08:00October 21, 2014|0 Comments

Enemy Special Moves

Now that I'm back full time on A Spire To The Gods I'd like to keep you updated every few weeks with videos showing off the latest features. This last week I implemented enemy special abilities, AKA special moves. Certain enemies will be able to do one of these actions: Heal Ally - Heals a damaged enemy on the screen. If multiple healers are present [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:35-08:00August 28, 2014|0 Comments

Omega Jam

The Omega Jam consists of a group of indie game developers getting together to push hard on individual milestones in a shared work environment. We started on January 21, 2014 and have the space until February 21, 2014. It originated with 6 teams of 1-3 people each. Check out for game info, live streams of our work, and more. What's amazing is we found a space [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:07:37-08:00January 29, 2014|0 Comments
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