About Be-Rad

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So far Be-Rad has created 133 blog entries.

Free Lame Castle Music

The sweet music of Lame Castle is now available for free, right here, right now. It was made by Alex Vaughan who also did all the sounds for the game. During development of Lame Castle I had to listen to this song over and over and ooooooover again and I must say I never grew tired of it. That means it's great. The Speed Of [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:32-08:00December 10, 2010|0 Comments

App Store Versus Android Market

As far as Lame Castle goes the app store is proving to be way way better in terms of exposure and sales compared to the Android market. LC isn't doing record breaking sales, but the first 3.5 days have seen roughly 350 downloads compared to just under 300 for Android (minus returns) during a much longer time period. Apple has a bigger market share and [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:32-08:00December 6, 2010|0 Comments

Lame Castle Now Available In The App Store

After thinking Lame Castle was stuck in a never-ending "Processing for App Store" state it is now available for download. $.99 cents, sucka! I'm planning to submit the free version soon, then I'll update the android versions and do some content updates for all versions. I'll also be doing a gameplay trailer ready for your viewing pleasure in the next couple of days. Here's one [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:33-08:00December 2, 2010|0 Comments

FYI About Lame Castle vs The Android Market

Lame Castle won't show up for everyone in the Android Market. It was built using Unity3d and since the Android license is a recent addition for Unity it's apparently incompatible with some phones. If it's incompatible it just won't appear in the android market for you. Sorry! You can still play Lame Castle on the web. As soon as I figure out a safe way [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:34-08:00November 4, 2010|0 Comments

Secret Codes

Seriously, who doesn’t like secrets?  It’s human nature to delve into the depths of secrecy and then at the same time want to share everything with everyone.  It’s a strange feeling.  That’s why I’m such a mixed bag of emotions right now… Because of this! See, it’s a secret code, but I want to share it with everyone.  What am I supposed to do? [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:34-08:00November 2, 2010|0 Comments
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