Blogging on the go

You don't even know what you just got yourself into. This new fandangled technology I just bought for several hundred dollars let's me blog on the fly. On the fly as in anywhere "the new at&t" gives me a signal. See, this sleek new blackberry curve I bought right alongside WhiskeyJ today let's me update you, the reader, anytime and from anywhere. You can even [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:10:59-08:00November 2, 2007|0 Comments

The Halloween of presents

Happy Halloween everyone.  In celebration of this great day I've made a moving picture for you.  Squeeze it, cherish it, right click and save it to your desktop.  Whenever you look at pumpkin.gif think of how close we've come these past few days.  Be safe tonight, there are creepy monsters out there.

By |2022-06-28T09:10:59-08:00October 31, 2007|0 Comments
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