About Be-Rad

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So far Be-Rad has created 133 blog entries.

Chompy has been released into the wild

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was released on XBLA today. It's the game I've been working on for the last year. The metacritic is hovering right around 88.5, which for a game is pretty damn fantastic. I mostly did programming on the project, but I finagled my way into co-designing one of the levels with an artist who shall remain nameless since I [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:56-08:00August 18, 2010|0 Comments

Lame Castle

Just saw this ad. What's weird is I think someone's already working on a game called Lame Castle for the iPhone. It should be out fairly soon. Hopefully it's super lame and cool at the same time.

By |2022-06-28T09:09:56-08:00August 17, 2010|0 Comments

A New Beginning

I quit my job on Monday. Yaaaay!? Very much so.  A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.  It feels good - no, great. No, fantastical. Yes, fantastical!  My eyes got a little watery on my last drive home from work, but not because I was upset.  No no noooo, They were tears of joy, tears of being free from the frustrations and annoyances [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:57-08:00July 15, 2010|0 Comments

Wild Pockets Game Jam 2010

A short while ago we partook in the Wild Pockets bay area game jam.  It's a 24 hour competition where you get a team of up to 5 people and make a game as fast as possible.  Our team was able to make 2 games which worked out quite well since we were able to share assets and scripts, effectively letting us work at a [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:57-08:00May 28, 2010|0 Comments

Game Jam 2009

Last weekend Wild Pockets put on a 24 hour game jam competition.  For those of you who have never heard of a game jam it's a competition where teams make a game in a short period of time.  In this case it was roughly 20 teams each making their own game using the wild pockets engine in 24 hours. This was my first game jam.  [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:58-08:00April 12, 2009|0 Comments

GDC 2009

The Game Developers Conference is going on this week.  A very awesome ex-coworker of mine lent me their pass so I had the chance to check out a couple sessions and walk the expo floor today.  I won’t mention the girls working the N-Gage booth at all because it would be inappropriate of me.  The two sessions I went to were quite good (as opposed [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:58-08:00March 26, 2009|0 Comments
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