About Be-Rad

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So far Be-Rad has created 133 blog entries.

Blackberry themes

My personal game development time has been eaten up by the Blackberry. There are so many things you can do like making a custom theme, editing themes, downloading other peoples' themes, playing games (just found a great chess game) and surfing the endless galaxy of internet pages. Having messenger on your phone is almost too good to be true. I have added a Blackberry themes [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:10:58-08:00November 6, 2007|0 Comments

Blogging on the go

You don't even know what you just got yourself into. This new fandangled technology I just bought for several hundred dollars let's me blog on the fly. On the fly as in anywhere "the new at&t" gives me a signal. See, this sleek new blackberry curve I bought right alongside WhiskeyJ today let's me update you, the reader, anytime and from anywhere. You can even [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:10:59-08:00November 2, 2007|0 Comments

The Halloween of presents

Happy Halloween everyone.  In celebration of this great day I've made a moving picture for you.  Squeeze it, cherish it, right click and save it to your desktop.  Whenever you look at pumpkin.gif think of how close we've come these past few days.  Be safe tonight, there are creepy monsters out there.

By |2022-06-28T09:10:59-08:00October 31, 2007|0 Comments

Sequel or not to sequel

So i made the unlikely mishap of playing Knytt Stories before Knytt.  They're beautiful works of art.  I'm scared Knytt's not going to live up to the hype after playing its sequel first, but I sure hope it does. K-Stories took me about 24 minutes before I realized what wondrousness was gracing my fingers.  --->One time this guy picked up a krusty, cold rock on the beach only [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:10:59-08:00October 30, 2007|0 Comments

New website, new category, new you

Shiny things are great.  So are starfish.  But you know what's better than anything you've ever heard of before?  The Hazel Chronicles.  The Hazel Chronicles is a 2d side-scrolling platformer this really well established development house is working on.  The budget is well over a million clams.  Those are clams as in dollars.  Not pesos or the ever increasing euro.  Actually we've already lied to you.  That's [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:11:00-08:00October 30, 2007|1 Comment


Just testing out my picture posting capabilities. Isn't that neat?  I feel so powerful thanks to these lovely new blogging capabilities supplied to me by the ever wonderful WordPress.  Thank you WordPress and all the people who make you possible. You know what just happened?  The only way you'd know that is if you've read this post before!  Anyways, more pictures (even better than this [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:11:00-08:00October 27, 2007|1 Comment
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