E3 is upon us. It’s pretty cool to see my ex-coworkers’ games (MW3 & Tomb Raider) being shown off to the world on a gigantic TV during the Microsoft press conference. I just did a google image search for E3 and the whole page was filled with girls in bikinis and miniskirts. No complaints here.
I’ll be flying down to LA Tuesday around noon and will be cruising around the E3 floor for half of Tuesday and all of Wednesday. If you or anyone you know would like to try out Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! just shoot me an e-mail and I will do everything in my power to meet up with you. Or if you just want to meet and chat that works too.
Serious Sam has a shiny new website. They will be constantly adding new content to it, content that will make you drool, content that will make you explode, content like an amazing demo of Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! so you’ll get to play it soon enough.
I’ll let you guys know how E3 goes. Happy video game week.