About Be-Rad

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So far Be-Rad has created 133 blog entries.

Announcing Lame Castle

So, we made a game called Lame Castle. It took just over 2 months from start until being published in the android market. I'm sort of doing a soft launch in the android marketplace before submitting to apple. I'm planning to do several updates once it's in the app store.  There's some sweet content that'll go in such as a couple more interactive [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:35-08:00October 28, 2010|0 Comments

New Logo

Check out the new Be-Rad logo! I'll need to update this here website now. New logo, new color scheme, new game. All coming soon.

By |2022-06-28T09:09:55-08:00October 12, 2010|0 Comments

The Turbulence Before The Storm

Just browsing the calendar I noticed it’s only been 7 weeks to the day since I started work on this game. It’s been a crazy-n-cool week and I’m now just a “haystack” away from submitting to the app store. I won’t say anything about what the game is until it’s announced via another website. That should be within a couple days though. […]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:55-08:00October 6, 2010|0 Comments

Smaller Games

Since leaving my full time job to go out on my own I’ve learned quite a bit about game development, being my own boss, working really weird hours, and trying to stay sane. Topic #1: Smaller games The smaller iphone/android/web games I’m developing now are a great break from what I’ve been working on. Sure, they’re not gigantic AAA titles that will have millions of [...]

By |2022-06-28T09:09:56-08:00September 20, 2010|0 Comments
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